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Difuzna kardioskleroza pblnpg bpvlnpg hipertenzija 3. prognoza

procedure; prognoza; hipertenzija, portalna. Introduction Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) affecting superior mesen-teric vessels are uncommon, and have usually been observed in patients who have undergone abdominal surgery or have abdominal trauma 1–7. Due to localisation in the portal circu-lation, it increses blood flow in the portal.

ispitivanje hipertenzije

been manually masked out and a 3 × 3 median filter had been applied to the data to remove remaining noisy points. Then, a triangle mesh has been created separately from each point cloud so that image rays can be intersected with object surfaces. The scan data is acquired in a system of lines and rows so that direct neighbors are known.

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junta congÉnitas 18 sep 12 hijo de angie patiÑo dx: 1.recien nacido pretermino de 32 semanas con peso adecuado 2.falla ventilatoria secundaria a 3.dextrocardia con dextroapex ductus arterioso grande.
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Propadanjem endokrinog pankreasa nastaje dijabetes melitus. Ako kod bolesnika sa neodređenim smetnjama u gornjem abdomenu nastane GLIKOZURIJA, sumnja se na hronični pankreatitis ili karcinom. Stalan abdominalni bol (pojačava ga jaka hrana i alkohol). Bol se može širiti pod rebra ili u prekordijum. Mršavljenje, izlivi u perikard i pleuru.

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