Zemlje s najviše objavljenih radova u ovom kasnijem (13%), zatim pušenje (7%), hipertenzija (7%), mentalno zdravlje (6 u usporedbi s ranijim razdobljem.Hipertenzija v starosti. Pogostnost visokega krvnega tlaka s starostjo narašča. Srčno-žilne bolezni so po vsem svetu vodilni vzrok smrti pri ljudeh, starejših.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant public health problem. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of early stages of renal disease in hypertensive and diabetic outpatients.
Get YouTube without the ads. Working. Skip trial 1 month free. Find out why Close. Tesna koža 1 - Hipertenzija Verica Živković.Objectives: To demonstrate the frequency of hypertension in patients with kidney graft, to examine whether there is a correlation between the length of haemodialysis and the immunosuppressive therapy with hypertension, and to examine whether there is a correlation between central and peripheral haemodynamic parameters and hypertension in patients with kidney graft.Plućna hipertenzija predavanje 1. Karakteristike plućne cirkulacije: Plućna cirkulacija je nisko rezistentan krug Plućni kr. pritisak predstavlja 1/8 sistemskog kr. pritiska PH nastaje kada plućni kr. pritisak dostigne 1/4 sistemskog kr. pritiska.