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Teza arterijske hipertenzije

Both intimate and sprawling in its scope and reach, Teza is a remarkable portrait of the tortured political and social history that Ethiopia suffered in the last decades of the 20th century.

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Directed by Haile Gerima. With Aaron Arefe, Abiye Tedla, Takelech Beyene, Teje Tesfahun. The Ethiopian intellectual Anberber returns to his native country during the repressive totalitarian regime of Haile Mariam Mengistu and the recognition of his own displacement and powerlessness at the dissolution of his people s humanity and social values.
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Legal disclosure. This website is not an offer to, or solicitation of, any potential clients or investors for the provision by Teza Capital Management LLC of investment management, advisory or any other related services.
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Teza is a 2008 Ethiopian drama film about the Derg period in Ethiopia. Teza won the top award at the 2009 Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou. The film was directed and written by Haile Gerima.

Teza arterijske hipertenzije:

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