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Homepage Hipertenzija sanatorij Transcarpathia

Hipertenzija sanatorij Transcarpathia

The name Carpathian Ruthenia is sometimes used for a contiguous cross-border area of Ukraine, Slovakia and Poland occupied by Ruthenians.Local Ruthenian population has a problem with self-identification and portion of them consider to be part of bigger Ukrainian family, while the other – a separate and unique Slavic group of Rusyns.

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-> simptomi početne hipertenzije
Transcarpathia is the only part of Ukraine located beyond the Carpathian Mountains that makes up part of the Pannonian Basin. Accessible to the main territory of Ukraine through numerous mountain passes, it joins Ukraine with that part of East-Central Europe.
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Rest with «Transcarpathia Tоur» in sanatorium complex «Derenivska Kupil» In the picturesque foothills of the Carpathians, in the tract Derenevka, among magnificent landscapes born special healing water, four centuries ago, became famous resort and this area in the whole of Europe.
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PLJUČNA ARTERIJSKA HIPERTENZIJA, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 1,548 likes · 88 talking about this. Pljučna hipertenzija je bolezen, za katero je značilen povišan.
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Dr. Jelena Jovanović - Kada je potrebno uraditi 24 časovni ambulatorni holter krvnog pritiska.
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Transcarpathia travel guide, tourism, weather information, how to reach, route map, photos reviews of Transcarpathia by travellers on Tripoto.

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