Define cigaret. cigaret synonyms, cigaret pronunciation, cigaret translation, English dictionary definition of cigaret. also cig·a·ret n. 1. A small roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking, enclosed in a wrapper of thin paper.23 апр 2016 Arterijska hipertenzija se definise kao vrednost arterijskog krvnog unos kofeina,alkohola ili hrane ,izbegavati pusenje cigareta 30min pre .
Czech: ·cigarette··cigarette Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary.The term cigarette, as commonly used, refers to a tobacco cigarette but is sometimes used to refer to other substances, such as a cannabis cigarette. A cigarette is distinguished from a cigar by its usually smaller size, use of processed leaf, and paper wrapping, which is typically white. Cigar wrappers are typically composed of tobacco.