(5,-6.$ +,3(57(1=,-$ qdgdomhydqmh suhjohgqlfh v suhmãqmh vwudql suhvhåhn ndwhkrodplqry y nuyqhp rewrnx ± ihrnurprflwrpqd nul]d ± lqwhudnflmd kudqh dol ]gudylo sul ]gudyomhqmx ] ]dyludofl prqrdplqrrnvlgd]h.Objectives: To demonstrate the frequency of hypertension in patients with kidney graft, to examine whether there is a correlation between the length of haemodialysis and the immunosuppressive therapy with hypertension, and to examine whether there is a correlation between central and peripheral haemodynamic parameters and hypertension in patients with kidney graft.
arterijske hipertenzije. Republička stručna komisija za izradu i implementaciju vodiča dobre kliničke prakse. Ministarstvo zdravlja Republike Srbije. Agencija.Pritisak 120/80 mmHg i pritisci manji od toga se smatraju optimalnim i normalnim krvnim pritiscima. Pritisak preko 140/90 mmHg je već povišen krvni pritisak (stručni termin arterijska.